Japanese Interesting things and My opinion

knowledge about my thought and interesting things

Japan as an interesting nation

Is Japan left behind by advanced nations due to declining birthrate and aging?If economically left behind, what about being an interesting nation?It is an entertaining nation that continues to provide Japan with interesting content such as…

Japanese Rugby Team Panasonic Wild Knights

Now, Panasonic Wild Knights is interesting.This team includes Japan's current representatives, Kenki Fukuoka, Shota Horie and Keita Inagaki. Until last year, there were also Fumiaki Tanaka and Akihito Yamada.The Japan Rugby National Team m…

The Beginning of TV

TV is no good. Internet, YouTube era.Recently, I often hear such voices. However, is there something more interesting than television?The fun of TV is its overwhelming scale. Originally the number of customers, technology, and money.Have y…

Japanese Comedy Show "Wednesday Downtown"

Now, Japanese comedy show "Wednesday Downtown" is interesting. No, it is interesting not only now but also from past.The source of Wednesday Downtown's fun lies in its approach to human nature.For example, Japanese comedian Kuro-chan's mon…

Escape from over inputs

Too many inputs. I've been overfilled so far. I read business books and utility books frequently, but were happy with the input by reading and could not output.Thanks to Peace of Cake Inc. for noticing me the fun of the output as I started…

Someone says Japan is sinking

In Japan, it is said that the future is dark because the number of young people is decreasing. Japan probably be declining in population due to a declining birthrate and aging population. But, the population of whole this world is increasi…